11-30-10 | Blog Post

The Jumble of Cloud Computing Terms: Standardize or Customize?

Blog Posts

In the Information week , August 9th Edition there is an article “Define the Cloud, Then try to tame it.” It references the DMTF, a standards body formerly known as the distributed management task force. They are trying to cut through the jumble of cloud computing terms and hope to write a public set of API’s that cloud vendors use to supply standard cloud services.

Is this appealing to everyone or should the cloud suppliers be encouraged to provide their own API’s?

In the Information week , August 9th Edition there is an article “Define the Cloud, Then try to tame it.” It references the DMTF, a standards body formerly known as the distributed management task force. They are trying to cut through the jumble of cloud computing terms and hope to write a public set of API’s that cloud vendors use to supply standard cloud services.

Is this appealing to everyone or should the cloud suppliers be encouraged to provide their own API’s?

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