05-19-20 | Blog Post

Otava Product Director quoted in TechTarget article on Disaster Recovery

Blog Posts

The article, titled “DRaaS guide: Benefits, challenges, providers and market trends” is a deep dive on, well, all things DRaaS. Included are topics and recommendations on DRaaS planning, choosing a provider, advice on vendor comparison, and more.

What he said

Some notable quotes from Jeremy:

On market trends regarding DRaaS: “We see a unified DRaaS becoming more complex as more organizations embrace a multi-cloud strategy,” Otava’s Bigler said. “To this end, the right set of tools and processes should be implemented to ensure organizations are not exposed to a more complex recovery process, putting recovery time objectives at risk.”

Regarding challenges to successfully implementing a DRaaS solution: “Bandwidth becomes a concern when organizations consider DRaaS. Given the technology is continuous data replication versus snapshot or other point-in-time methods, bandwidth utilization is a concern. This is especially valid for high data-change-rate VMs, such as SQL or other applications.”

Discussing security as part of the DR planning process: “Organizations tend to be the most vulnerable during a disaster recovery process, as typical security and controls may be inappropriately alleviated to speed recovery times.”

Best practices for succesfully implementing DRaaS: “The organization should regularly test and update DRaaS as its business and technology requirements change, Bigler said. Regularly scheduled tabletop testing is one of the single biggest success factors for any continuity or recovery plan.”

Regarding DRaaS and automation: “The ability for DRaaS to orchestrate and automate a unified customer experience across multiple cloud providers — private, hybrid and hyperscale — is still considered green from a technology perspective.”

We at Otava are excited to help contribute to a top tier publication like TechTarget and look forward to continuing a strong relationship!  You can check out the article in full here: https://searchdisasterrecovery.techtarget.com/DRaaS-guide-Benefits-challenges-providers-and-market-trends

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