02-09-06 | Blog Post

Online Technologies Acquires Assets of GenTech

Blog Posts

New Acquisition Adds 22,500 Square Foot Michigan Data Center and 63 Corporate Accounts

Ann Arbor, MI—February 9, 2006Online Tech announces that it has acquired the assets of Gentech of Flint, MI. The acquisition will grow Online Technoloiges Corporation’s customer base by 63 corporate accounts, increase data center capacity by 22,500 square feet and adds 10,000 square feet of disaster recovery and Internet incubator space. The transaction included debt and cash but no equity. Additional details of the terms were not disclosed.

Gentech (www.gentechmi.com) provided co-location, bandwidth, Internet connectivity and other high-end data center services for disaster recovery and Internet infrastructure.

“We are very excited to integrate our operations and the data center into OTC. Our customers will benefit from the OTC’s new offerings and scalability. It’ll be exciting to watch them take what we’ve built to the next level,” said Elizabeth Saab, president of Gentech.

Prior to Gentech, the facility was built and used by EDS for General Motor’s disaster recovery. The data center boasts 24-inch Telco grade raised floors, dual 8,000 volt, 2,000 amp power feeds backed up with dual 1.3 Megawatt generators all fed through 1.6 Megawatts of synchronized UPS (Universal Power Supply) modules, 330 tons of cooling, biometric security, on AT&T’s fiber SONET ring.

“This facility greatly increases our ability to provide high-end disaster recovery and super-scalable Internet infrastructure, both growing markets for us,” said Dale Adkins, VP of operations and client services at Online Technologies.  Online Technologies Corporation will continue to expand the product line to allow more scalable and cost-effective solutions to all of its existing and new customers.

Small to medium-sized businesses throughout the Great Lakes area that are seeking a secure, reliable, and scalable Internet infrastructure are the real benefactors as Online Technologies Corporation will take this large business data center and make it available to them through its colocation solutions. Online Technologies will use fiber to connect this facility to southeast Michigan and other dense business districts enabling it to uniquely provide regulatory compliant disaster recovery and very cost-effective bandwidth and power intensive Internet infrastructure.

“Disaster recovery and Internet infrastructure are driving our demand.  This combination is powerful because it further defines our place in the regional Internet infrastructure market,” said Ty Myers, Online Technologies’ vice president of sales and marketing.  “With this deal we are uniquely positioned to offer disaster recovery capabilities to 1000s of companies in Michigan and beyond. Our sales people are excited.”

According to Bob Palmerton, CFO of Online Technologies,  the acquisition of Gentech is part of Online Technologies Corporation’s long-range plan for continued market leadership in the Great Lakes region via growth through acquisition and increased sales efforts.  “Our sales team exceeded their plan significantly with our other data centers. Our leadership challenged us to respond in a strategic manner, so we did,” stated Palmerton.

New Acquisition Adds 22,500 Square Foot Michigan Data Center and 63 Corporate Accounts

Ann Arbor, MI—February 9, 2006Online Tech announces that it has acquired the assets of Gentech of Flint, MI. The acquisition will grow Online Technoloiges Corporation’s customer base by 63 corporate accounts, increase data center capacity by 22,500 square feet and adds 10,000 square feet of disaster recovery and Internet incubator space. The transaction included debt and cash but no equity. Additional details of the terms were not disclosed.

Gentech (www.gentechmi.com) provided co-location, bandwidth, Internet connectivity and other high-end data center services for disaster recovery and Internet infrastructure.

“We are very excited to integrate our operations and the data center into OTC. Our customers will benefit from the OTC’s new offerings and scalability. It’ll be exciting to watch them take what we’ve built to the next level,” said Elizabeth Saab, president of Gentech.

Prior to Gentech, the facility was built and used by EDS for General Motor’s disaster recovery. The data center boasts 24-inch Telco grade raised floors, dual 8,000 volt, 2,000 amp power feeds backed up with dual 1.3 Megawatt generators all fed through 1.6 Megawatts of synchronized UPS (Universal Power Supply) modules, 330 tons of cooling, biometric security, on AT&T’s fiber SONET ring.

“This facility greatly increases our ability to provide high-end disaster recovery and super-scalable Internet infrastructure, both growing markets for us,” said Dale Adkins, VP of operations and client services at Online Technologies.  Online Technologies Corporation will continue to expand the product line to allow more scalable and cost-effective solutions to all of its existing and new customers.

Small to medium-sized businesses throughout the Great Lakes area that are seeking a secure, reliable, and scalable Internet infrastructure are the real benefactors as Online Technologies Corporation will take this large business data center and make it available to them through its colocation solutions. Online Technologies will use fiber to connect this facility to southeast Michigan and other dense business districts enabling it to uniquely provide regulatory compliant disaster recovery and very cost-effective bandwidth and power intensive Internet infrastructure.

Disaster recovery and Internet infrastructure are driving our demand.  This combination is powerful because it further defines our place in the regional Internet infrastructure market,” said Ty Myers, Online Technologies’ vice president of sales and marketing.  “With this deal we are uniquely positioned to offer disaster recovery capabilities to 1000s of companies in Michigan and beyond. Our sales people are excited.”

According to Bob Palmerton, CFO of Online Technologies,  the acquisition of Gentech is part of Online Technologies Corporation’s long-range plan for continued market leadership in the Great Lakes region via growth through acquisition and increased sales efforts.  “Our sales team exceeded their plan significantly with our other data centers. Our leadership challenged us to respond in a strategic manner, so we did,” stated Palmerton.

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