11-02-11 | Blog Post

Understanding the Data Center Market in Secondary Cities & Beyond

Blog Posts

I’m looking forward to attending the IMN (Information Management Network) conference next week in Los Angeles, California to join the discussion on the growing demand for data centers and colocation, as well as the threats and opportunities that cloud computing brings to the market.

IMN Conference 2011
IMN Conference 2011

The 2011 IMN conference “Fall Forum on Financing, Investing & Real Estate Development for Data Centers” will be held at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza next Wednesday and Thursday.

I was selected to moderate and speak at a five-person panel discussion on “Understanding the Data Center Market in Secondary Cities & Beyond,” a discussion on the differences between Tier 1 data center markets such as New York, Chicago and L.A. and secondary markets found in Michigan, Iowa and Nebraska.

IMN: Information Management Network
IMN: Information Management Network

Each of the panel members, including CEOs and a Business Development Manager, will speak to their experiences with their home markets and the market dynamics they’ve witnessed. The panel will provide a discussion of the differences of the growing secondary and tertiary markets and the market dynamics of Tier 1 cities, as seen through the eyes of data center operators in the secondary markets.

The panel also intends to touch on advantages and disadvantages, data center requirements, buyer profiles and community impact in a secondary market.

The second annual IMN data center conference brings together senior executives from some of the most prominent data center owners, tenants, investors, capital and service providers, each with different perspectives on the evolving data center market.

Other topics at the conference include:

  • Tiering & Redundancy: How Important are they in the Data Center Environment of Today?
  • Demand Capacity Forecasting on a Facility/Entity Level
  • Data Center Bankruptcy & the Impact on the Tenant
  • Measuring how Much Tax, Power & Other Incentives are Really Worth?
  • Power Rates, Build Times, Volatility, Contracts & Pricing
  • Data Center CAPX & TCO
  • Carrier Neutrality Vs. Bundled Services
  • Modular Data Centers

See the IMN conference agenda schedule here for more detailed information.

I’m looking forward to attending the IMN (Information Management Network) conference next week in Los Angeles, California to join the discussion on the growing demand for data centers and colocation, as well as the threats and opportunities that cloud computing brings to the market.

The 2011 IMN conference “Fall Forum on Financing, Investing & Real Estate Development for Data Centers” will be held at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza next Wednesday and Thursday.

I was selected to moderate and speak at a five-person panel discussion on “Understanding the Data Center Market in Secondary Cities & Beyond,” a discussion on the differences between Tier 1 data center markets such as New York, Chicago and L.A. and secondary markets found in Michigan, Iowa and Nebraska.

Each of the panel members, including CEOs and a Business Development Manager, will speak to their experiences with their home markets and the market dynamics they’ve witnessed. The panel will provide a discussion of the differences of the growing secondary and tertiary markets and the market dynamics of Tier 1 cities, as seen through the eyes of data center operators in the secondary markets.

The panel also intends to touch on advantages and disadvantages, data center requirements, buyer profiles and community impact in a secondary market.

The second annual IMN data center conference brings together senior executives from some of the most prominent data center owners, tenants, investors, capital and service providers, each with different perspectives on the evolving data center market.

Other topics at the conference include:

  • Tiering & Redundancy: How Important are they in the Data Center Environment of Today?
  • Demand Capacity Forecasting on a Facility/Entity Level
  • Data Center Bankruptcy & the Impact on the Tenant
  • Measuring how Much Tax, Power & Other Incentives are Really Worth?
  • Power Rates, Build Times, Volatility, Contracts & Pricing
  • Data Center CAPX & TCO
  • Carrier Neutrality Vs. Bundled Services
  • Modular Data Centers

See the IMN conference agenda schedule here for more detailed information.

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